About Us

World Vision India is a child-focused humanitarian organisation that has been serving the most vulnerable children and their families, for over 70 years. The non-profit organisation passionately serves in 200 districts, impacting around 26 lakh children and their families in over 6200 communities, spread across 24 states and 1 union territory. With over seven decades of experience at the grassroots, we employ proven, effective development, public engagement and relief practices empowering vulnerable children and communities living in contexts of poverty and injustice to become self-sufficient and bring lasting change.

With you, we can build a nation fit for children. Join us. Together for children. For change. For life.

Grass Root-Based

The relief and development work by World Vision India is community-based. Our staff reside with the communities at the grassroots - live with them, learn from them, listen to them and work alongside them to find solutions to their problems. An independent board exercises overall governance leadership, managing risks and ensuring compliance to statutory requirements.

Focus on Children

All development work that we perform focus on children - the bright young minds of tomorrow.

Partnering for Change

World Vision India partners with communities, children, the Government, civil society, corporations, academia and faith-based organisations to build a nation ideal for children. World Vision has been ever responsive to major disasters in India in the last few decades including the 2004 Tsunami, the Kashmir earthquake and recurring flood situations across various states. Further, World Vision India is a member of several networks and coalitions at various levels.

Our Commitment to
Accountability and Transparency

World Vision India is committed to high standards of accountability and transparency which is an expression of our core value on 'stewardship'. This is because we fervently believe that we work effectively for the well-being of children. World Vision India continually strives to maintain high national and international standards of professional competence and is accountable through appropriate structures for achieving these standards.

We have our policies, procedures, systems, practices, work culture and audits well in place to reflect our commitment to accountability and transparency. As part of World Vision International, we uphold a range of NGO standards to help benchmark our performance. We are an active member of the International NGO Charter of Accountability Company Limited and the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership. World Vision is also actively involved in the International Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Open Forum on Development Effectiveness and the International Aid Transparency Initiative.

World Vision India endeavors to convey a public image that conforms to reality and speaks and acts with diligent honesty. With the power of the Almighty, we intend to pursue excellence beyond compliance, in all aspects of our work - In governance, management, operations and administration.


Terms of Use

The content and data found on this website, including images and text, are property of World Vision India and may not be redistributed, copied or modified without express written permission.

Using images found on any World Vision website, linking to any World Vision website or in some other manner framing or including any of the materials contained on any World Vision website without the prior written permission of World Vision India is strictly prohibited. Such activity could result in legal action. Decisions regarding use may be revised or rescinded without prior notice.

While World Vision India makes every effort to provide accurate information, the content provided on the website is "as is" and World Vision India makes no warranties regarding the content on the website. World Vision India will not in any way be held responsible for any damages or loss arising out of the use of the information on the website.

World Vision India websites may contain links to other sites. World Vision India is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites.

By using this website, sharing your details with us, registering on the website, by sponsoring a child or showing interest in sponsorships, you also agree to receive communication from us in the form of emails, SMS, letters and phone calls. The communications that you receive will pertain to updates about World Vision'+"'s work, payment details / queries and information / letters from your sponsored child. You agree that the same shall not be deemed to be a violation of applicable telecommunication regulations.

Privacy Policy:

World Vision India is committed to protecting the privacy of the children and adults living in communities where World Vision works. As part of this commitment, World Vision India strictly prohibits the use of the child photographs used in this website for any other purpose, personal or commercial.

World Vision India is also committed to protecting the privacy of its donors, supporters, employees, registered members and other stakeholders. We value the trust of those we deal with and of the public and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the personal information that you choose to share with us.

During the course of our various activities, we frequently gather and use personal information. Anyone from whom we collect such personal information should expect that it will be carefully protected and that any use of or dealings with this personal information is subject to express or implied consent.

World Vision India has voluntarily decided to adhere to best practices for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information as outlined in this policy.

Our Refund Policy:

For all online transactions and credit card payments, in case a request is made for refund, we agree to make the refund by reversing the transaction through our bank or the payment service provider. The charges for the refund would be borne by us in case of wrong deductions or error transactions.

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