End Child Labour End Child Labour

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Rs. 12000

Rs. 6000

Rs. 3000

Rs. 1000

Number of Children:

Other General Donation


School Fees for children


Remedial classes


Small Business



Child Sponsorship: When you sponsor a child in need, you help create a lasting difference. Your sponsorship will ensure your child has access to quality education, good health care and nutrition and a caring environment. Sponsorship is a regular, periodic commitment and will ensure a long-lasting relationship with your sponsored child.
Your contribution to World Vision India are eligible for TAX EXEMPTION under section 80G of Income Tax Act. Kindly provide your PAN number.

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Statistics on Child Labour

Statistics on Child Labour Statistics on Child Labour

Stories of change

World Vision India

Toll Free: +1-800-425-4550 | +91 44 42287070 | indiasponsors@wvi.org

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