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Gender and Development


It is crucial to look at the girl child and her rights to survival, protection, development and participation right from the foetal stage to adulthood, to eliminate negative cultural attitudes and strengthen the role of both family and State in improving the status of the girl child. Therefore World Vision India intentionally takes specific action points for the girl child in each issue – health, nutrition, education, and protection.

At the grassroots, girl child survival rates are monitored. Parents are educated, enabled and empowered to see the reality of the situation where positive consorted action is taken. Girl child education is encouraged through tuition centres and by providing cycles. Toilets are also built in school. These simple but effective initiatives help in improving school attendance among girls.

Our Community Based groups like women Self help groups, Children groups. Child Parliament, Adolescent and Youth groups, CBO men groups act as watch dogs to protect the girl children from crude gender discriminatory practices.

World Vision India is now focusing on projects where we can engage men to challenge gender discrimination and end child marriage etc.

Child Protection

Tulasi: "Now I am more aware of child protection issues and can protect myself. I know about the government mechanisms that support and protect us."

Education Support

Kinjal: "My father is an alcoholic and barely earns enough to support my education. I would have had to drop out if World Vision India hadn't supported me in pursuing a nursing course for a better future."

Benches and Desks

Satish, 5th Grade: "I never expected to sit at a desk in my classroom. It has given me so much encouragement to continue my studies

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