Emergency Relief: Donations for Wayand Relief | World Vision India
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Together, We Can Make a Difference

On July 30th, a landslide devastated Wayanad, shattering lives and dreams. Hundreds of families are now homeless, mourning loved ones, and grappling with the loss of their livelihoods. In response, World Vision India has launched the #WVIndia4Wayanad campaign to bring urgent relief to these communities.

Your Donation Will Help Provide

I want to rush my help towards drought.
SelectReleif KitValue (Rs.)QuantityAmount (Rs.)
Hygiene Kits (Disinfectants, Bathing Soap, Sanitary Napkins, Dental Kits, etc.)

1000 0
Basic Relief Essentials Kit (Bedsheet, Mosquito Nets, Clothing, Towel, Mat, Torch, etc.)

4000 0
General Donations for Wayanad Relief
Total Amount:Rs.

Be a Changemaker

By donating to #WVIndia4Wayanad, you are providing immediate relief and making a lasting impact on the victims of this disaster. Your support brings hope and a chance for a new beginning to those who need it most.

You can choose to contribute towards a kit or make a general donation towards the relief fund.

Donate Now
Wayanad flood

Why Support World Vision India?

World Vision India has a proven track record of providing effective humanitarian aid. With your support, we can ensure that the people of Wayanad receive the help they need to recover and rebuild their lives.

Thank you for your generosity. Follow #WVIndia4Wayanad for more updates from us.

Accountability and Evaluation

Accountability to the
Affected Population

World Vision India prioritizes transparency and community engagement. Information sharing, community consultation, promotion of participation, and a complaint and response mechanism are integral to our commitment to accountability. The affected population will actively contribute to the planning, implementation, and evaluation phases.

Human Resources and
Management Plan

Our comprehensive emergency response is under the direct supervision of the National Director of World Vision India. Specialized teams manage humanitarian affairs, operations, finance, human resources, supply chain, information technology, and communications. Ongoing communication with local government authorities ensures necessary approvals for relief support.

Time Frame and
Implementation Plan

The response plan is expected to run for 90 days encompassing rapid assessments, beneficiary identification, procurement, and distribution. The response team adheres to industry standards, CHS, and SPHERE standards, ensuring disability and gender inclusion.

Coordination and Collaboration

World Vision India collaborates with the local authorities and other NGOs on-ground for effective coordination. Our response aligns with government initiatives, ensuring a unified effort in meeting the basic needs of all affected populations. We also partner with corporates to leverage resources, expertise, and networks, ensuring a more comprehensive and impactful response to humanitarian emergencies.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Our response team oversees relief operations, focusing on timeliness and appropriateness. Community groups and representatives assist in monitoring, ensuring quality, and conducting satisfaction surveys to maintain accountability at all distribution points.
