Goats Helped Vidhya get Better | World Vision India
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The goats helped Vidhya get better

World Vision India provided Vidhya’s family with a pair of goats in 2015 and again in 2016. Before this, her parents were daily wage labourers. But now the family has 22 goats and they make a living by selling the goats. The goat's milk also provides nutrition for Vidhya.

 The goats helped Vidhya get better

Vidhya’s parents, Prembai, Parsuparman were daily wage labourers. To help the family generate a better income and provide for their five children, World Vision India provided them with a pair of goats in 2015 and another pair in 2016.

Prembai and Parsuparman have 22 goats now and are doing very well. Even when Vidhya fell sick, they were able to pay her medical expenses by selling a goat.

Vidhya and her brother Prince are World Vision India’s sponsored children. They take good care of the goats and all of them are vaccinated.

Cozy and comfy

Monalisha: "I am so happy that all the children in our group received colorful blankets. They are very useful during the cold season."

Child Protection

Tulasi: "Now I am more aware of child protection issues and can protect myself. I know about the government mechanisms that support and protect us."

Benches and Desks

Satish, 5th Grade: "I never expected to sit at a desk in my classroom. It has given me so much encouragement to continue my studies

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