Clean Cooking Solutions: Insights from The Climate Reality Project | World Vision India
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World Vision India and The Climate Reality Project discuss the importance of access to clean cooking energy for rural households in India in a webinar


Chennai, 30 July 2021: World Vision India, a grass root humanitarian organization, has been consistently working towards supporting the Government of India's efforts for clean air and access to clean cooking. The webinar organized on 30th July brought together experts to focus on solutions for advancing the use of clean cooking energy in rural households.

Speaking at the webinar, Salmon Jacob, Head – Climate Change & DRR, World Vision India said, “Air pollution is the second major reason for child mortality, especially in combination with under nutrition and inadequate health care, says a Lancet Study. World Vision India’s climate change programs aims to reduce indoor Air Pollution caused by open fires in traditional chulas. Using clean energy alternatives also reduces the stress and strain involved in firewood collection among girls and women. The reduction of firewood requirement also enables more trees to survive and reduce the stress on the forest resources. This also helps the rural women to invest time in more gainful activities and spend more quality time with children and family”. World Vision India presented a report on the “Impact of Climate Change Mitigation Project on the Wellbeing of Women & Children” in Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Rajnath Ram, Adivisor- Energy, NITI Aayog in his keynote address said that, “Promotion of renewable energy could be a powerful engine for the recovery of the country’s economy after the Coronavirus crisis, creating new and secure jobs”. He further added that, “Renewable energy improve air quality and provides opportunity to invest in health and climate protection.”

Mr. Aditya Pundir – Director India & South Asia, Climate Reality said, “There is a direct co- relation between climate change, air pollution and human health. Initiatives have been taken across the length and breadth of country but needs more stakeholder engagement, like this very webinar to share learnings and the way forward for a faster replication. We, at Climate Reality are committed to work with the Last Man Standing to find solutions on climate change and clean cooking is one of them besides a million-fruit tree plantation, we are carrying out to avert disasters and at the same time livelihood enhancement in Orissa and coastal region of West Bengal”.

World Vision India, has implemented clean cook stove programmes in the states of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Bihar, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa. A total about 15,000 households have benefitted through this initiative which has helped to provide better indoor air quality, reduce emissions and reduce vulnerability to various respiratory related illnesses. Apart from clean cooking, World Vision India through its solar home lighting programme has also enabled about 24,000 households to switch to clean, pollution free home lighting systems. In addition, solar street lighting interventions are also being taken up to ensure safe spaces in communities – particularly for women and children. These programmes have been implemented in the states of Bihar, Assam, Jharkhand, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and West Bengal. Solar water pumps, drip irrigation systems and solar fencing have also been promoted in various project locations in the country to ensure adequate availability of water for irrigation, protection of the crops as well as reduce the GHG emissions.

Eminent Speakers and Panelists shared their insights and expert knowledge. Presenters include, Sanjay Vashist, Director- Climate Change Network- South Asia, Dr. Debajit Palit, Director- Rural Energy and Livelihoods, TERI, Mr. Sunil Mani, Programme Associate- CEEW, Dr. Komal Ganotra, Development Consultant, Prarthana Borah, Director- India, Clean Air Asia and Jomon Baby, Group Director- Operations, World Vision India.

For queries, please contact:

Impuri Ngayawon, +91- 8800605557, (World Vision India)
Saloni Bisani, + 91 9840412140, (MSL India)

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