Support Education With Back to School Program | World Vision India
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Many children love to study and have big dreams. Their only setback is ?nances for their education. Your help can make a big difference in their lives.

Proper infrastructure is as important as education. It promotes a comfortable learning environment in schools.

It is not enough to just be present in school. School essentials such as books, notebooks and uniforms aid in making education beneficial. Support children with the school essentials.

Every child deserves a chance at a better life. Children with disability are on the fag end of the spectrum. You can help them look forward to a better and brighter tomorrow.

Every gift is important and is highly valued by the child. Choose a gift that you wish to contribute towards.

back to school back to school
How Back to School
Crowdfunding Platform works?
    Donor selects a need that appeals to them. Let’s say, "school fees for a child"
    Donor contributes their preferred amount towards the need through a payment mode of their choice
    Other donors who were also moved by the same need, contribute likewise
    After we receive the entire amount for the need, the contribution goes to the project
    Your gift helps a vulnerable child continue her studies and look forward to a better future
    A report with photos is sent to all the donors who contributed towards that need
Note: If the particular need is already fulfilled by the time you gift, your contribution will be directed to other similar needs and you will be informed of the same.

A glimpse of What your support can do

Your investment today brings hope, dignity, and opportunity to those who need it most. Join the movement to empower children and families today
