Child Sexual Abuse: Donate Against Sexual Assault | World Vision India
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Why does it take every Indian to end child sexual abuse?

In our efforts to end child sexual abuse in India, World Vision India’s, “It takes every Indian to end child sexual abuse” campaign provides sensitisation and awareness programmes in schools and in the communities we serve across India.

World Vision India also strengthens existing government child protection systems, so that our systems too don’t fail our children.

World Vision India’s adaptation of the book, ‘My Body What I Say Goes’ gives children awareness on sexual abuse and helps children identify and avoid potentially unsafe situations. The book is available in seven languages and is distributed among the children in the communities we serve across India.

About the Campaign

It's a shocking reality that India has the world's largest number of sexually abused children. Unfortunately, most of these children who were sexually abused did not report this to anyone.

Despite the fact that one in every two children in India is subjected to some form of sexual abuse, the issue hasn't got the attention it deserves. Our work with over 26 lakh children across India compels us to provide a safe environment for children to grow and encourage them to speak out against sexual abuse, where needed.

The need is vast and urgent. When children are exposed to any form of violence, it hampers their ability to realise their full potential for the benefit of their families, communities and countries. Child sexual abuse has harmful effects and can lead to behavioural, emotional, physical and interpersonal problems. It takes you. It takes me. It takes every Indian to end child sexual abuse.

Stories of change

When home is no longer safe

“I never imagined that any one from my community could ever perform such a terrible crime” . . .said Tara, a member of the Child Protection Unit. The incident has shocked Tara and the rest of the community. Two innocent children Kajal and her cousin, Priya were sexually abused by their neighbour. An old man who lived just above their house often lured the children into his house with sweets and money. For Kajal and Priya, treats were rare in their family.

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Did you know?

Any form of sexual violence can alter the life of a child forever


  • Repeated unusual injuries
  • Difficulty in walking and sitting
  • Complaints of pain or itching in the genital area
  • Pain during urination and / defecation, Frequent yeast infections
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Pregnancy


  • Confusion
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Fear
  • Grief
  • Anger
  • Helplessness
  • Depression

Social / Psychological

  • Refusal to undress for physical examination
  • Excessive fear of men or women
  • Tendency to self-harm
  • Disturbing nightmares
  • Behaviors like bed-wetting, thumb-sucking, excessive crying
  • Aggressive nature

What We Do

What to do when you come to know of child sexual abuse?

It is mandatory under the law to report child sexual abuse and there are different ways to report this.

Reporting Online




Police Complaint


Reporting Online

When you have to report a sexual abuse, all you need to do is simply push a button named POSCO e-Box in e-Box is an online complaint management system for easy and direct reporting of sexual offences against children and timely action against the offenders under the POCSO Act, 2012

If you come across sexually explicit images or videos featuring children on the internet, report it by just clicking at


Those who do not have access to the Internet can call the childline at 9868235077 or a toll free number 1098 and register their complaint.

Police Complaint

Register a complaint at the police station closest to where the child lives. After the complaint is filed, the police will take the child’s statement in the child’s language at the child’s home or in any place where the child feels safe. DON’T TAKE THE CHILD TO THE POLICE STATION.

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